About Us
Who We Are
We are a growth provider of early childhood education services, delivering an unrivaled advantage to South African educators, parents and children…passionate about collaboration, operational excellence and the development of children up to 5 years of age.
Our mission is to enable the success of children’s development through the following services and products:
A hands-on approach to children development from ages 0 – 5 in a way that emphasizes the importance of play as a cognitive developmental tool.
Training, mentoring and coaching of preschool teachers and principals.
Enhanced awareness of children’s progress by all role-players – teachers, admin staff, and parents.
Provide “Parent App” to streamline school management and communication.
Our curricula are aligned with the Department of Basic Education’s National Curriculum Framework (NCF) Guidelines.
It has the blessing* of various institutions, including the University of Pretoria.
It is aligned with international best practice, and has been compiled by educators with international experience, obtained inter alia in Qatar, Jordan, Canada, and Qatar.
Fact is – Education is South Africa’s only long-term saving grace.
This is underscored by most senior Government and Private Sector individuals in the country.
World-wide it is generally recognised that the pre-school intervention period is critical. It needs to be founded on the best approach possible.
Play, Learn Win provides this.
Management Overview
The Managing Members are Ms. Ilse Scheepers, and Ms. Magdelize Janse van Vuuren. Both have academic qualifications in ECD, and both have obtained vast experience in this field locally and in the Middle East. They established Play Learn Win during 2014, and have since been very active in promoting the Play Learn Win curriculum, based on the South African National Curriculum Framework and other courses in the field of inter alia EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage), as well as providing diploma course training for the UK-based NCFE CACHE Early Years Education diploma.
Ilse has a B. Ed. Degree and numerous other diplomas and certificates, inter alia in the field of special needs. She has also been a trainer and assessor in Qatar, as well as curriculum developer. Ilse is presently located in Somerset West.
Magdelize has a Diploma in Child Care Education from NCFE Cache in the UK, and numerous other certificates, and has spent a great deal of time proving diploma-level training on ECD in Qatar, and locally. She was also the principal of a creche in Qatar. Magdelize is presently located in South Africa.
Both members are well-qualified and enthusiastic to help grow early childhood development in S.A. A great strength of both is that they have many years’ experience working in multi-cultural settings – both in South Africa and in the Middle East.
Both are strong facilitators and domain experts.