Play Learn Win

A new paradigm in Early Childcare Education on the South African landscape.

ELDA Curriculum 18-24 Months

ELDA Curriculum 18-24 Months

We offer a complete curriculum for ages 0-5 years based on the National Curriculum Framework and ELDA’s for children 0-4 years and a bridging curriculum for ages 4-5 years from ELDA to CAPS.

Our curriculum includes Year planning, Term Planning, Week Planning and Daily planning.  All of these are developed according to the ELDAS as prescribed by the Department of Basic Education.  Please have a look at the attached sample pages from our curriculum.  Our curriculum does have themes but as it is based on developmental standards and not themes, you can use the weekly and daily planning within any theme (you never buy the curriculum again).  If something is based on a theme it’ s actually a lesson plan and not a curriculum that ensures the holistic development of a child from 0-5 years.

Our curriculum is available as follows in Afrikaans and English

Would you like to see a sample before you purchase anything?

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